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Canada’s Modern Slavery Act: Practical Insights and Lessons Learned From Year One

Date:   Jul 02, 2024
Time:   10:00 AM - 11:15 AM (MDT)

Online National

Canada's Modern Slavery Act:
Practical Insights and Lessons Learned From Year One


Tuesday, July 2, 2024


9 AM PT | 10 AM MT | NOON ET

RUN TIME: 75 minutes


2 Credits


Virtual via Zoom


Member: $25 

Non-Member $50 

Student Affiliates FREE


Supply Chain Canada and Shift Critical International are excited to invite you to the upcoming live webinar: Canada’s Modern Slavery Act: Practical Insights and Lessons Learned From Year One.

Join us for an insightful webinar where representatives from Supply Chain Canada, the preeminent organization representing Canadian supply chain professionals, join forces with SHIFT Critical International, Canada's most experienced team in helping companies navigate the country’s new modern slavery legislation. Together, they will shed light on the nation's supply chain infrastructure, share lessons learned now that the first disclosure deadline has passed and discuss the importance of staff training as a key component of due diligence.

Our panel of corporate sustainability, supply chain and modern slavery experts have conducted numerous child labour and forced labour supply chain risk assessments, authored modern slavery reports and crafted associated questionnaires during this inaugural reporting season. This webinar will offer the opportunity to gain first-hand knowledge and practical insights, transcending mere theory.


In this session, you can expect:

  • Comprehensive Lessons Learned: A thorough discussion on the challenges faced, best practices and key guiding principles for successful due diligence and disclosure practices, based on our first-year experience working with clients.

  • Governance Framework Design: Insights into how companies are approaching the design of their governance frameworks to incorporate modern slavery considerations and due diligence efforts.

  • Efficient Supply Chain Risk Assessment: Strategies for conducting successful and efficient global supply chain risk assessments.

  • Future Outlook: A look into the potential for the Act to become more stringent.

  • Importance of Staff Training: An emphasis on how staff training on the Act is a low-hanging fruit for due diligence compliance.

  • Q&A Session: An opportunity for participants to have their questions answered and engage in a dialogue with the presenters.

Allan To

President & CEO, 
Supply Chain Canada - West 

Allan is the President and CEO of Supply Chain Canada West, where he leads an exceptional team dedicated to strengthening Canada’s supply chain infrastructure. As a Supply Chain Management Professional (SCMPTM) and Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA-CMA), Allan has over two decades of leadership experience in transforming supply chain organizations through strategic collaborations, innovative practices, and rigorous execution.

Allan has been a passionate advocate for the supply chain management profession throughout his career. He is the former Chair and Board member of the Supply Chain Management Association Alberta and has led several industry-wide initiatives to enhance productivity, foster greater supply chain collaborations, and advance sustainable procurement practices. He is an active advisor to several post-secondary institutions and sits on the Procurement Advisory Committee with the City of Calgary.

Frank McShane

Principal and Founder
SHIFT Critical

Frank has over 25 years of experience with major resource companies, defining strategic solutions to sustainability and ESG challenges. His focus is on framework design and implementation, communicating success, and access to impact and green funding. Leading teams and advising Boards, he has worked with all stakeholders on a range of contentious resource development matters, often outside Canada.

Frank has led corporate teams on governance and ethical compliance; government and community relations; communications; and human rights and verification.  He has experience in sustainability strategy design and ESG performance improvement, including:

  • Elected to represent the oil and gas industry members on the Steering Committee and the Board of the Voluntary Principles on Human Rights and Security (VPHRS) in the Hague.
  • Professor of Resource Management/Sustainability at McGill University (Canada), University of South Pacific (Fiji), and Universities in New Zealand.
  • Co-author of a leading report regarding sustainability in the mining sector.
  • Associate-Faculty member of the Executive Program in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at McGill University.

Frank has a Doctorate from McGill University on the socioeconomics and politics of resource development in remote areas and a M.Sc. from Heriot-Watt, Edinburg on Environmental Resource Management.

Carmen Turner

Carmen Turner
Sustainability Ltd. 

Carmen has over 22 years of experience in corporate sustainability, working primarily in the natural resource sector including mining and oil and gas. She spent 13 years at Teck Resources, developing and leading their sustainability program from the ground up. While at Teck, Carmen led the management of Teck's 14 GRI Sustainability Reports, implemented the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) Assurance Framework and process and implemented the Mining Association of Canada's Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM) program for 13 operations. She also led the development of Teck's sustainability strategy where long-term 20-year goals and short-term 5-year goals and targets were set.

She has since started her consultancy where she pulls together experienced consultants to support companies from various industries to develop ESG and sustainability strategies that are aligned with global ESG standards and frameworks. She has also led projects to help companies adopt the Task Force for Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), develop emissions reduction transition plans, conduct climate risk assessments, and climate disclosure reports. She has more recently supported companies to adapt emerging disclosure regulations such as Canada’s Modern Slavery Act and the European Corporate Directive on Sustainability Disclosures (CSRD). In addition to developing strategies with clients, Carmen supports executives to help implement ESG practices through coaching her clients to develop the leadership skills and influence in their organizations through her one-on-one coaching and group programs.

Craig Stenhouse

Principal and Founder
SHIFT Critical

Craig has nearly 25 years of experience integrating sustainability strategy into business processes and demonstrating ESG performance to external stakeholders.  His career to date has focused on designing solutions to complex sustainability issues, building relationships with ESG investors, and providing strategic advice to corporate Boards and Executives on ESG performance improvement.

Previous to co-founding Shift Critical International, Craig served as elected Chairperson of Canada’s Oil Sands Industry Alliance (COSIA) Shareholder Steering Committee. Considered a leading ESG professional, he has directed corporate teams at two of Canada’s largest energy companies in support of sustainability strategy and policy development. He has served as a Board observer to a number of private technology companies working on solutions to improve ESG performance.  His contributions to the field of sustainability in Canada have been acknowledged with an Excellence in Corporate Responsibility Award.  This personal achievement award recognized his leadership for “transforming business towards a sustainable future.”

Craig is a Master of Science graduate from the London School of Economics and Political Science, where he focused primarily on international business and human rights risk management.


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