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Scope Writing for Contracts and Procurement

Date:   Jan 20, 2025
Time:   9:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Online National



Monday, January 20th 


Tuesday, January 21st, 2025


9:00 AM - 12:30 PM MT


5 Credits


Virtual via Zoom


Member: $445 +tax 

Non-Member: $545 +tax

Student Affiliates: $145 +tax


In the complex world of supply chain management, the ability to craft an accurate and thorough contract scope stands as a pivotal skill, setting the foundation for successful contracting and contract management.

This specialized workshop is designed to equip participants with the essential skills and knowledge to produce a detailed and comprehensive scope of work, a critical element that ensures all parties are fully aware of their responsibilities. The practice of gathering requirements and drafting scopes for procurement and contracts is not innate; it is an acquired skill that this workshop aims to cultivate among supply chain professionals.

Participants will gain insights into best practices in scope definition and requirements gathering, specifically tailored for procurement and contracting applications. The workshop goes beyond theoretical knowledge, providing an interactive learning experience with practical exercises, case discussions, and “real-life” examples that allow participants to apply what they’ve learned.

Why is This Skill Critical?

Writing an effective contract scope of work is central to the success of contracting and contract management, as it:

  • Ensures clarity and understanding among all involved parties, reducing the risk of misunderstanding and disputes.
  • Facilitates accurate and competitive bidding by providing suppliers with clear expectations.
  • Enhances project management by setting clear benchmarks and performance indicators. 

This workshop is a must-attend for procurement professionals looking to enhance their contracting success through effective scope writing. Elevate your skills and contribute to the success of your organization’s procurement and contracting processes.


By attending this workshop, participants will learn:

  • How to conduct effective stakeholder identification, assessment, and management.
  • Techniques for defining and documenting scope for sourcing and contracting applications
  • Appropriate uses of supplier-provided requirements and specifications
  • How a well-written scope improves supplier evaluation and selection.

Richard Venerus


Richard Venerus is the Founder and Principal at Skalable Partners.

Richard has over 20 years of experience in Supply Chain Management in a diverse set of industries, including technology, financial services, transportation, manufacturing and energy.  He is a qualified lawyer, certified in Construction Law and holds an MBA from the Schulich School of Business. Richard is professionally trained or certified in Project Management, Change Management, Construction Contract Administration, Adult Education, Mediation, Arbitration and ISO 44001- Collaborative Working.  He has been delivering learning events for Supply Chain Canada since 2008 attended by hundreds of students and SCM professionals over the years.


Registrants will receive a full refund for courses cancelled by Supply Chain Canada - West.

Registrants who have received written acceptance into a course and provided written notice to Supply Chain Canada - West of their withdrawal from the course 14 days before the first day of class, will be provided with a full refund. After 14 days, refunds will not be granted.

If you would like to withdraw from a course please send an e-mail to us at [email protected]. You are required to inform us of your intent as soon as possible. Clearly state your intention to withdraw and provide authorization for us to proceed.

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